Super Dense Solids made just of hadrons such as protons and neutrons may be made stable so would be of much higher density without the unstability of uranium. The natural way for hadrons to go is in a sphere like in the nucleus of uranium. At higher atomic numbers, like uranium the nucleii become more unstable. To stack them in an unusual way like tetrahedrons may eventually be achieved by stacking them with skill. The proton is not round itself, and actually been found to be shaped like exercise weights, I think I'll buy some more and think of all the rest I'll save!
Protons and neutrons are of complex construction so methods may be found to bind them well. The outside of the stationary wave is not implosive because of the strong force or solid because of the centrifugal force that must fling out the strong force or it would implode or expand (the centrifugal force must be at least as strong, the strong implosion is known to be only attractive).
So there may be realms of the stationary field where the forces balance. About radioactivity, if more and more dense, all mass becomes more and more unstable, like uranium compared to say, iron.
So to combine a large number of protons and neutrons with stability may be achieved via the Weak Force, the force that causes the radioactivity. The Weak Force has two charges, like electric charges. These cause a current, like electricity, that controls the radioactivity. With the two charges, perhaps they may be combined +1 and -1, so the weak current would be neutralized, so larger numbers of hadrons could be stacked making the hadrons useful for materials science. This may be a method of construction of what I dub "hadron solids", a super dense super strong material of usual weight, or usual density material of super light weight.
. This goal would revolutionize materials science and would have use in all sorts of machines. If your Lexus was in a jam, it would just weigh 50 pounds, so it would be a helicopter van. If it crashed it would be safer (it would be strong, and having reduced inertia, would perhaps even bounce with rebound in a crash.). It would be a submarine too, and a boat! Mass to orbit would be hugely cheaper, I would finally reach my healthy mass energy!
You may have heard about the stuff of some dense stars. If you had a spoon of it and dropped it ("you could hardly do otherwise") it would be so heavy it would drop by the gravity of the earth and out the other side and return, punching holes in the earth till it stopped at the center. The hadron solid would be in plates and unlike the three dimentional spoon of starstuff which is 10,000 times as heavy as usual mass, it would be more 2 dimentional and so would be one hundredth the density of the same material, but with 137 times the strength or perhaps much more if a bit more dense.
Here's My Plan A Plus More.. The plans following are if plan A for some reason if is not viable, they also may be alternate ways to achieve the solids of this type if they have advantages of thier own, and so on, the rest of this post except the conclusion about the ways to make Hadrons Solid are not perhaps as good as the Proton Solid or the other plan, I include them here so you can see some of my evolution of this idea and why for example I opted in for protons alone and other ways the hadron solid may be viable._______________________________
Protons may turn out to be the best Hadron Solid, because protons with alternate NS SN poles (in alternation) aligned in a wire would have the like Weak Force charges (strong at short radius) at the center of each like proton for strength of compression of (stable) protons. And the proton's magnetic fields compressed in attraction by the strong force I believe may have much higher strength than usual magnetic fields in tension, and this would make the Proton Solid much stronger in tension than any other electromagnetic material, as well as much stronger yet in compression because of the Weak Force charge.
There are some other features of the proton solid that if left in make it of worth and if left out, make it of no value. I won't include these here.. If you think hadron solids sound like an important improvement of materials science, and you think it may be of worth, call me at 276 228 3465 for more.
Because the shortest range Weak Force combined with the longer range Strong Force of protons is much the same as the gravity and electric charges of the earth, this may make a good solid that's strong in compression, although not in tension.. The gravity squeezes in like the Strong Force and the Weak Force reacts to stabilize inward compression, like the electric charges react to stop compression by gravity beyond the optimum radius (the surface). To make a hadron solid of both protons and neutrons that would be strong in both tension and compression may take more elaborate methods, but it would be of great worth. Here's a more indepth look at how I think the hadron solids may be made;
PROTONS They have a strong force attraction, and an inner weak force charge. Protons are stable, they don't pop like popcorn.
NEUTRONS have the opposite strong force charge so they attract opposite protons. Neutrons are not stable. While they decay (expand) in a few minutes, the most stable nucleii is hydrogen because the two forces of the strong (outside squeezing in) force mostly balances the inside Weak reaction force, so without much pressure in or out it's stable, and no explosion is squeezed out like fission of heavy elements that have so much inward pressure they're unstable.
STRONG AND WEAK FORCE, The Weak Force is the inner electromagnetic type of charge that powers most radioactivity (fusion of the sun, atom bombs) by two opposite charges (like electricity) with a flow of current between the charges to power the weak force reactions. The Weak Force is actually stronger than the Strong Force, to overcome the Strong Force, which is just attractive, the Weak Force is stronger at short range so it is as strong and as much the cause of fusion and fission as the attraction of the strong force which, being only attractive can't be the only cause of explosions like those of fission or fusion. Because the Strong Force is only attractive, it actually only powers atomic reactions in a roundabout way, by squeezing the Weak Force's radiance just as the earth wouldn't heat without gravity if all the mass was in large numbers of smaller units.
The Weak Force is necessary to atomic reactions and so is the Strong Force because without the pressure to squeeze and the expansion both, there would be no fission.
Since all protons are the same, they have both the same Weak Force charge and the same Strong Force charge. While the Weak Force can stop implosion by its short range contact force by like charge and the Strong Force has attraction alone, the Strong Force of each proton of the solid would implode just to where the Weak Force's like charge stops the implosion, and the protons of the hadron solid are stabilized neither moving in or out between the attraction and implosion of the strong and weak force. So the hadron solid would be strong in compression, made of protons in a cubic lattice with a proton at each corner.
Protons would be used not neutrons because protons are the only stable strong force particle. If it were made of neutrons it would have radioactive decay because unbound heavy particles have a short half life (except in stable nucleii by having no room to expand via the compression of the strong force) and protons don't. Neutrons and protons combined since they have opposite Strong Force charges wouldn't make a good hadron solid either. With heavier atomic nuclei, the more protons and neutrons, the more radioactivity. This is why heavy elements like uranium power atomic fission reactions. So if you had a hadron solid of both protons and neutrons they would try to whirl around and become essentially a big nucleus that would explode like much uranium. Protons may be of more worth for a hadron solid that would be strong in compression alone.
They may not attract as much, however they are made of well known subcomponents and would have much strength in compression because of the short range (stronger than the Strong Force to resist it) Weak Force. Although these fractional charges are unified at more than 10-13 cm if the protons were moved close in they would be distinct, the same way the electric charge of atoms is 0 at long range but the charges inside each atom when two atoms move close in bind well. So while the protons have the same strong charge and it's attractive with the opposite strong charge of neutrons but not other protons, with protons all of the same charge they may attract at short range with moderate attraction, the binding force of the hadron solid made of protons alone. (If just moving the protons close wouldn't combine the attraction well, since the fractional electric charges have charges, changing the electric field of the proton's well may be an aid to the force by some clever motif. (E.G. The magnetic field would bind them long range, then the Strong Force, and then the Weak Force would stop further implosion, stabilizing the solid with more adhesion so they would stack well.))
Another problem about the hadron solid is radiance from outside. The hadron solid is like a strong chain if used for strength of tension, if any of the links are broken, the whole would gradually lose power. Lots of neutrons combined with the many protons of the hadron solid may cause a reaction like the above. So the strong in compression solid made of just protons would have a layer of lead or other shielding, like computers so this is no real problem.
Better to shield from the instability caused by neutrons may be to use the proton wires on the inside of the solid and on the outside instead of lead shielding small sections of proton wire of more compact density would act as a sort of baffle and shield, the incoming neutrons if of high energy would be combined and neutralized. The shielding wires are short and well combined with the electrons on the outside of the wire so once they combine many times they form no more than a small atom when they wrap around eventually by the strong force. Over long periods and or high in situations of heavy radiation the outer shield would be used up and need to be replaced for maintenance.
The proton ribbons are held continuous with the alternating N and S poles of each proton, and the outside of each proton wire is made of electrons in a sort of continuous wire forming the tube. The magnetic field holding the protons together would be compressed by the strong force so the wire or other more 3D material made of the proton wire would have greater strength in tension than even fullerines or other such materials. The outer tube of electrons surrounding the long proton wire core would both cancel out the otherwise unshielded and volatile large positive charge of all the protons of the wire, and the electrons would also bind to other wires beside it, giving greater strength to the proton solids of all types. If you just have the fibers without outer binding and you try to compress it they would slide smoothly over each other so it wouldn't be as strong in compression because, to make the solid made of the wires strong, each wire has to be parallel in compression to the applied force. The proton wire used as a ribbon in traction would also be more stable by way of the electromagnetic forces.
I once read a physics book about superpressure, they said, "Water considered by physics to be a solid at room temperature had actually been compressed to 2/3 its volume". It said in the book that even atoms might be eventually compressed to such high density they would fuse and the power of the stars would be achieved. I considered this to be possible and I've remembered it well. Research is underway using the implosion of the electric fields to try to implode in the protons and other heavy particles which would then fuse if the strong force would implode them more, this is an improved method over the usual hopes of the fusion machines like the tokamak because they hope to slam in the protons and other massive particles and hope they hit just right to fuse with via use if the much lower power electric field instead of trying to use the fields of the atoms to do much of the labor of the implosion!
A problem with Lerner's machine (Focus Fusion) is that the protons have an electric field, the opposite neutron has no field (neutron means no charge) so it's tough to make them implode just right. The way out Lerner hopes to use is to use atoms with protons and neutrons inside (I think a better solution might be to make the neutrons stationary and slam in the hydrogen or other atoms by way of the electric field of the atom and accelerating machine to accelerate the atom TO the neutron, but this is still trying to aim well with just luck if they hit). The opposite valences of the atoms allow them to be accelerated to high speeds and then they would implode. The problem is that the outer field of all atoms has electrons and like charges are more resistant to implosion, so the machine would have to overcome the outside force of the atoms to reach the inside, this takes more power.
I was reading one of those papers about the cosmos as computer where they ask how much more computing power is allowed by physics, will chips continue to add more speed indefinitely by the physics? (I think black holes and stars don't count as computing power because they are almost totally seperated from the rest of the cosmos by the distance, and also because the gravity simplifies the information. Usual computations like evolution go from simple to complex, and evolution or civilization are just like a big computer, so to count all the computing power in the cosmos like this I think is like lifting a light light weight for exercise) .The N and S attraction of proton wires might be used to make super fast proton wire chips just wired at 90 degrees like the new invention of these type of chips, simple to make and super small, this use of the proton wires would also make the proton solid. One of the goals of the hadron or proton solids would be strength, but if there were any heavy ingoing particles near the solid it could lose strength over time, so I believed it would have to be shielded both from the heavy and light forces with some material to make it retain power and this would make it heavier for the same strength of materials. Lead shielding would bulk it up reducing some of the worth of the improvement this sort of solid is about. With further consideration I realized a novolatile proton wire is allowed by the physics, in its basic form. A proton wire would have the N S alternation of the protons. It would have the weight density of Uranium because the the radius of the nucleus of an atom occupies just 1/100 that of the atom, so if you have 100 radiuses of a hydrogen nucleus it would be a proton wire of that much weight per unit volume. The proton wire would be a wire and to cancel out the electric charge of the protons it would use a tube of outer electrons held in orbit by the usual way the centrifugal force and quantization of the orbits of atoms of the common etymology are, so it would be a sort of streched out uranium nucleus/atom tube, and electric shielding would no problem. The other proton wire or proton wire problem, shielding from the incoming heavy particles may be how a proton wire would be stable for the same reason for awhile the same way atoms of hydrogen are stable, since I'd only been laboring on this for a year I hadn't actually realized that an incoming neutron or other heavy particle would just combine with the protons of the wire and spin around if it was at low speed. It wouldn't fuse anymore than the atoms of hydrogen around us when hit by incoming particles. I think it would merely bind with the wire, making it wobble around the center of mass of the wire, and the incoming heavy particles wouldn't cut the wire (because the binding N and S magnetic field lines of the protons are more compressed by the strong force and this makes it strong). A denser sort of matter than protons are the subcomponents of hadrons some name "Rishons" or quarks, (I'll use Rishons here) from the hebrew word for one, these were believed to be the building blocks of the one and the all. Protons are about 10x10 to the -13cm and the Rishons are 10 to the -15, a hundreth the width of the proton. Rishons are believed to be flowing in a sort of fluid in the interiors of the hottest stars, in most matter at low energies they are bound and only with the region of higher power extended to the realm of the Mamma's and Pappa's greatest hits, are they believed to move in the unbound state. This makes sense because with the high speed atom smashers at high energys the rishons are more loosely bound and they have to be divisable some way or they would always be bound and no more rishons could be created out of other particles.
What Lerner is trying to achieve is slamming in atomic elements from the outside, fusion, and then power. If we took heavy nuclei like U238 with the electrons around the outside, the strong force implodes the power at one wavelength and it radiates out at another like your hand on an exercise jug, or the inward gravity of the earth or solar pressure generating heat. If your hand and the water were both at the same wavelength they would balance and you couldn't remove the contents by compression. . But the problem is all the heavy particles fission radiates, unlike fusion which is clean. I think fission and fusion are much alike, both have inward implosion that then reradiates power outward. The distinction is not about what's imploded but the reradiance that follows, so if the implosion were the same for both, the reradiance would be much the same. I think this may be achieved by the use of pressure to the heavy U238 from the outside by a sort of anvil that would compress a piston and cylinder. The inside of both the piston and cylinder would be in the round shape of the U238 nuclei at the maximum compression of the cylinder. This would use the attraction of the strong force to increase the power released, and make it burn much cleaner like solar fusion because the inward implosion would compress the heavy particles before they expand out, a sort of atomic supercharger like on some vehicles that heats the air and compresses it more to improve the power and burn. Cylinder and piston both might be actually made of proton solids (the proton solid would be perhaps just the piston coat for super strength). The power would be collected by way of electric current in the protons of the machine.
Lining up the particles by the electric fields would boost compression because the NS attraction would boost implosion.
All this would be well and good, efficient power with reduced radioactivity. But this could be achieved more easily with a proton wire and a beam through the outer flow of the wire on one side and and an (electric) wire all the way around the protons to complete the circuit. More about The Atomic Motor. This would tap off useful atomic power with a motor just two wires, that would be easier to manufacture than the cylinder motif above so cheaper. I think of a type of matter may be what I will name the Rishon Solid and it would be made using the piston and cylinder. The heavy nucleus would be put in the cylinder and piston both with round faces of the protons to fit the U well. The cylinder with the aid of the strong force and anvils with a strong lever arm perhaps made of proton wires or fullerines, much stronger at close distances. A short lever arm with small areas of compression might much increase pressure plus unlike Focus Fusion, cooling would reduce field lines kinks increasing reliability. Compressing the protons and neutrons well first to fission levels, then to fusion levels could be achieved, and finally to the level where like in the most massive stars physicists think the Rishons are fluid, unbound and flowing. By converting the cylinder to a narrower and narrower tube. The cylinder would be a sort of large fluid nucleus. Unlike the usual U238 it was made of, the Rishons and antiRishons inside might be able to be lined up by the electric field of each Rishon, as it cools, to shape the way the Rishons would "cool" into tiny blocks or bricks. The electric field wouldn't have much influence on the Rishons at higher pressure because with random lines of field like with magnetism the hotter it is the more the magnetism is reduced with more random thermal motion, so there may be a lower heat and pressure zone where the electric field would control the Rishons well enough to make them into blocks for wires. You may say, electricity is too weak to much influence the strong force while it cools, but at distances of subatomic physics like the mesons or baryons like protons at 10 to the -13th -15th, the electric field may be strong enough to much influence the strong force by the strong compression of the field lines. Though by QCD and many experiments no unconfined rishons exist they might be stretched out in a wire and cooled with no general extra charge left over since each charge would be cancelled sidewise, and the end of the wire could combine just with a proton or neutron. another way to achieve Rishon solids without cylinders ect., might be to make proton wires and supercool them. (See below about using hydrogen atoms NS to combine into proton wires ect.) Even so cylinders in large numbers in arrays migth be useful for improved fission or fusion. It's been thought we would have to slam atoms together to fuse but this makes the assumption the NS are not aligned and that the protons and neutrons aren't cooled for stability and reliability. If the collision is just anywhere on the impacting particles the probabliity of fusion is lower. By using NS attraction the force wouldn't be of resistance, it would actually work for fusion not against it. A much shorter disatance of much stronger impact via reduced surface area of the cylinder may be more reliable for fusion. One problem with Lerner's idea is that budjet cuts for fusion amy not allow more progress with expensive machines like ITER. By using these tricks, cooling, momentum transfer, and NS attraction, this may be a much cheaper way to improve fusion. Here's my site, IFF Inertial Focus Fusion.
If this were so about what would be the rishon wires they might be of real worth with all the advantages of the proton solids except more dense. By control of how they cool they could be made in wires with each rishon offset so the overall electric charge and isospin was 0. Only the ends would have electric or strong force charge and this attraction would be used to add atoms to the ends of each rishon wire, by the atom's outer field they would the anchor with more matter made of atoms.These blocks of the super dense rishon wire would be strong like the hadron solid, but they wouldn't be volatile, it would be a totally new state of matter. This is what I hint at above about the density of mass and computers. More computer speed and strength of materials? More dense materials.(The rishon wires or any denser wire could be made into a chip the same way the invention of the Molecular Crosswire chips do, using wires in a lattice out of any wires to make a super dense chip.)
About the density of materials, I think because of the finitude of complexity around us, there won't be infinite wheels within wheels downward to the infinite, so if, or when rishon solids are ever rolled off the assembly line perhaps 30 years from now, the finite complexity may be a limit to density, so no faster chips or more blessed eden of the science of materials may be found beyond that. The advantages of the rishon solid would be even better than the proton solids and there's no telling what else the rishon solids may be used for, e.g. it could be of real worth in medicine, and future materials science. It would be of value build a machine of this type, no telling what it may turn out to be.
By first building the machine (one time per machine only) that has all small funnels each with a small opening just one proton or neutron wide, By the funneling the proton or proton neutron wires (with the protons from a machine like Farnsworth's Fusor that first emits lots of protons that radiate to neutrons) would be extruded one proton at a time, by adhering the end of the wire and then pulling away from the funnel, then adhesion of the funnel end of the proton to the rest of the box or other hadron solid structure, and so with related operations. The funnels would repeat the same process for the whole sheet or other hadron solid structure many times at once. This would be a cheaper and fast way to make the solids (Ovelapping atoms with positive valence would be used to make the inside surface of the funnels so the protons wouln't combine before they were formed into the wires.) .
Another way proton wires might be achieved could be to take hydrogen atoms, move them all into a tube (as with the above). Each atom is N-S N-S in the tube so the opposite poles are aligned to attract. The hydrogen atoms would be set spinning so the electrons on the outside would be more outward and the atoms would be more flattened out to be more like a sphere and the N-S poles more unshielded, so they would ettract more than usual. In step three, the pressure on the more flattened atoms would be from both ends of the tube, adding more force so the protons are more linked because they've gone from the "outside" (inside seperate atoms) to the "inside" of one atom. Once linked by the strong magnetic field, the electrons would stay around the outside to make the tube that would have 0 electric charge so the baneful excess electric charge of the protons would be solved.
A third possible way on the road to proton wires might be via conversion of the atoms of waste or other stuff to protons. This would be achieved in one scenario via subatomic physics where the strong force can be made nonbinding by reverse beta decay. Beta decay is the main radioactive process (of expansion outward of the particles) in physics. To reverse beta decay an electron is added to a proton of the atom converting it to a neutron, by the strong force this won't attract the other atomic neutron, so both atomic neutrons exit the atom and they in turn radiate out to protons and electrons in 12 minutes by the usual physics. Reverse beta decay would be how to cut the lines of the strong force not by the strong force itself, but rather by use of how the strong force is well connected with the electromagnetic force (like quantum numbers and so on) so by changing the electric field a bit the strong force bonds would be released without huge force to reduce radioactivity and the other advantages achieved by this ruse. More About Beta Decay and Reducing Radioactivity... (Reverse beta decay may have great worth in reducing radioactive waste and decontamination, and materials science, and if we run out of materials on the earth we could take Hydrogen from worlds like Jupiter and make mass in any amount by combination of the elements of the hydrogen up to heavier atoms.)
Considering the exercise machine is my elevator when I jog up 27 rooms, I think a bit of speculation about some of the unknowns that may be tried to achieve the proton solid or rishon solid may be of worth. If this is not the hadron solid yet, it's a worthwhile goal. It may more important than just visits to the moon in the 60's the US built up to, and this may be a common goal of engineering of much more import to the world of the 21th century and beyond.
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Protons and neutrons are of complex construction so methods may be found to bind them well. The outside of the stationary wave is not implosive because of the strong force or solid because of the centrifugal force that must fling out the strong force or it would implode or expand (the centrifugal force must be at least as strong, the strong implosion is known to be only attractive).
So there may be realms of the stationary field where the forces balance. About radioactivity, if more and more dense, all mass becomes more and more unstable, like uranium compared to say, iron.
So to combine a large number of protons and neutrons with stability may be achieved via the Weak Force, the force that causes the radioactivity. The Weak Force has two charges, like electric charges. These cause a current, like electricity, that controls the radioactivity. With the two charges, perhaps they may be combined +1 and -1, so the weak current would be neutralized, so larger numbers of hadrons could be stacked making the hadrons useful for materials science. This may be a method of construction of what I dub "hadron solids", a super dense super strong material of usual weight, or usual density material of super light weight.
. This goal would revolutionize materials science and would have use in all sorts of machines. If your Lexus was in a jam, it would just weigh 50 pounds, so it would be a helicopter van. If it crashed it would be safer (it would be strong, and having reduced inertia, would perhaps even bounce with rebound in a crash.). It would be a submarine too, and a boat! Mass to orbit would be hugely cheaper, I would finally reach my healthy mass energy!
You may have heard about the stuff of some dense stars. If you had a spoon of it and dropped it ("you could hardly do otherwise") it would be so heavy it would drop by the gravity of the earth and out the other side and return, punching holes in the earth till it stopped at the center. The hadron solid would be in plates and unlike the three dimentional spoon of starstuff which is 10,000 times as heavy as usual mass, it would be more 2 dimentional and so would be one hundredth the density of the same material, but with 137 times the strength or perhaps much more if a bit more dense.
Here's My Plan A Plus More.. The plans following are if plan A for some reason if is not viable, they also may be alternate ways to achieve the solids of this type if they have advantages of thier own, and so on, the rest of this post except the conclusion about the ways to make Hadrons Solid are not perhaps as good as the Proton Solid or the other plan, I include them here so you can see some of my evolution of this idea and why for example I opted in for protons alone and other ways the hadron solid may be viable._______________________________
Protons may turn out to be the best Hadron Solid, because protons with alternate NS SN poles (in alternation) aligned in a wire would have the like Weak Force charges (strong at short radius) at the center of each like proton for strength of compression of (stable) protons. And the proton's magnetic fields compressed in attraction by the strong force I believe may have much higher strength than usual magnetic fields in tension, and this would make the Proton Solid much stronger in tension than any other electromagnetic material, as well as much stronger yet in compression because of the Weak Force charge.
There are some other features of the proton solid that if left in make it of worth and if left out, make it of no value. I won't include these here.. If you think hadron solids sound like an important improvement of materials science, and you think it may be of worth, call me at 276 228 3465 for more.
Because the shortest range Weak Force combined with the longer range Strong Force of protons is much the same as the gravity and electric charges of the earth, this may make a good solid that's strong in compression, although not in tension.. The gravity squeezes in like the Strong Force and the Weak Force reacts to stabilize inward compression, like the electric charges react to stop compression by gravity beyond the optimum radius (the surface). To make a hadron solid of both protons and neutrons that would be strong in both tension and compression may take more elaborate methods, but it would be of great worth. Here's a more indepth look at how I think the hadron solids may be made;
PROTONS They have a strong force attraction, and an inner weak force charge. Protons are stable, they don't pop like popcorn.
NEUTRONS have the opposite strong force charge so they attract opposite protons. Neutrons are not stable. While they decay (expand) in a few minutes, the most stable nucleii is hydrogen because the two forces of the strong (outside squeezing in) force mostly balances the inside Weak reaction force, so without much pressure in or out it's stable, and no explosion is squeezed out like fission of heavy elements that have so much inward pressure they're unstable.
STRONG AND WEAK FORCE, The Weak Force is the inner electromagnetic type of charge that powers most radioactivity (fusion of the sun, atom bombs) by two opposite charges (like electricity) with a flow of current between the charges to power the weak force reactions. The Weak Force is actually stronger than the Strong Force, to overcome the Strong Force, which is just attractive, the Weak Force is stronger at short range so it is as strong and as much the cause of fusion and fission as the attraction of the strong force which, being only attractive can't be the only cause of explosions like those of fission or fusion. Because the Strong Force is only attractive, it actually only powers atomic reactions in a roundabout way, by squeezing the Weak Force's radiance just as the earth wouldn't heat without gravity if all the mass was in large numbers of smaller units.
The Weak Force is necessary to atomic reactions and so is the Strong Force because without the pressure to squeeze and the expansion both, there would be no fission.
Since all protons are the same, they have both the same Weak Force charge and the same Strong Force charge. While the Weak Force can stop implosion by its short range contact force by like charge and the Strong Force has attraction alone, the Strong Force of each proton of the solid would implode just to where the Weak Force's like charge stops the implosion, and the protons of the hadron solid are stabilized neither moving in or out between the attraction and implosion of the strong and weak force. So the hadron solid would be strong in compression, made of protons in a cubic lattice with a proton at each corner.
Protons would be used not neutrons because protons are the only stable strong force particle. If it were made of neutrons it would have radioactive decay because unbound heavy particles have a short half life (except in stable nucleii by having no room to expand via the compression of the strong force) and protons don't. Neutrons and protons combined since they have opposite Strong Force charges wouldn't make a good hadron solid either. With heavier atomic nuclei, the more protons and neutrons, the more radioactivity. This is why heavy elements like uranium power atomic fission reactions. So if you had a hadron solid of both protons and neutrons they would try to whirl around and become essentially a big nucleus that would explode like much uranium. Protons may be of more worth for a hadron solid that would be strong in compression alone.
They may not attract as much, however they are made of well known subcomponents and would have much strength in compression because of the short range (stronger than the Strong Force to resist it) Weak Force. Although these fractional charges are unified at more than 10-13 cm if the protons were moved close in they would be distinct, the same way the electric charge of atoms is 0 at long range but the charges inside each atom when two atoms move close in bind well. So while the protons have the same strong charge and it's attractive with the opposite strong charge of neutrons but not other protons, with protons all of the same charge they may attract at short range with moderate attraction, the binding force of the hadron solid made of protons alone. (If just moving the protons close wouldn't combine the attraction well, since the fractional electric charges have charges, changing the electric field of the proton's well may be an aid to the force by some clever motif. (E.G. The magnetic field would bind them long range, then the Strong Force, and then the Weak Force would stop further implosion, stabilizing the solid with more adhesion so they would stack well.))
Another problem about the hadron solid is radiance from outside. The hadron solid is like a strong chain if used for strength of tension, if any of the links are broken, the whole would gradually lose power. Lots of neutrons combined with the many protons of the hadron solid may cause a reaction like the above. So the strong in compression solid made of just protons would have a layer of lead or other shielding, like computers so this is no real problem.
Better to shield from the instability caused by neutrons may be to use the proton wires on the inside of the solid and on the outside instead of lead shielding small sections of proton wire of more compact density would act as a sort of baffle and shield, the incoming neutrons if of high energy would be combined and neutralized. The shielding wires are short and well combined with the electrons on the outside of the wire so once they combine many times they form no more than a small atom when they wrap around eventually by the strong force. Over long periods and or high in situations of heavy radiation the outer shield would be used up and need to be replaced for maintenance.
The proton ribbons are held continuous with the alternating N and S poles of each proton, and the outside of each proton wire is made of electrons in a sort of continuous wire forming the tube. The magnetic field holding the protons together would be compressed by the strong force so the wire or other more 3D material made of the proton wire would have greater strength in tension than even fullerines or other such materials. The outer tube of electrons surrounding the long proton wire core would both cancel out the otherwise unshielded and volatile large positive charge of all the protons of the wire, and the electrons would also bind to other wires beside it, giving greater strength to the proton solids of all types. If you just have the fibers without outer binding and you try to compress it they would slide smoothly over each other so it wouldn't be as strong in compression because, to make the solid made of the wires strong, each wire has to be parallel in compression to the applied force. The proton wire used as a ribbon in traction would also be more stable by way of the electromagnetic forces.
I once read a physics book about superpressure, they said, "Water considered by physics to be a solid at room temperature had actually been compressed to 2/3 its volume". It said in the book that even atoms might be eventually compressed to such high density they would fuse and the power of the stars would be achieved. I considered this to be possible and I've remembered it well. Research is underway using the implosion of the electric fields to try to implode in the protons and other heavy particles which would then fuse if the strong force would implode them more, this is an improved method over the usual hopes of the fusion machines like the tokamak because they hope to slam in the protons and other massive particles and hope they hit just right to fuse with via use if the much lower power electric field instead of trying to use the fields of the atoms to do much of the labor of the implosion!
A problem with Lerner's machine (Focus Fusion) is that the protons have an electric field, the opposite neutron has no field (neutron means no charge) so it's tough to make them implode just right. The way out Lerner hopes to use is to use atoms with protons and neutrons inside (I think a better solution might be to make the neutrons stationary and slam in the hydrogen or other atoms by way of the electric field of the atom and accelerating machine to accelerate the atom TO the neutron, but this is still trying to aim well with just luck if they hit). The opposite valences of the atoms allow them to be accelerated to high speeds and then they would implode. The problem is that the outer field of all atoms has electrons and like charges are more resistant to implosion, so the machine would have to overcome the outside force of the atoms to reach the inside, this takes more power.
I was reading one of those papers about the cosmos as computer where they ask how much more computing power is allowed by physics, will chips continue to add more speed indefinitely by the physics? (I think black holes and stars don't count as computing power because they are almost totally seperated from the rest of the cosmos by the distance, and also because the gravity simplifies the information. Usual computations like evolution go from simple to complex, and evolution or civilization are just like a big computer, so to count all the computing power in the cosmos like this I think is like lifting a light light weight for exercise) .The N and S attraction of proton wires might be used to make super fast proton wire chips just wired at 90 degrees like the new invention of these type of chips, simple to make and super small, this use of the proton wires would also make the proton solid. One of the goals of the hadron or proton solids would be strength, but if there were any heavy ingoing particles near the solid it could lose strength over time, so I believed it would have to be shielded both from the heavy and light forces with some material to make it retain power and this would make it heavier for the same strength of materials. Lead shielding would bulk it up reducing some of the worth of the improvement this sort of solid is about. With further consideration I realized a novolatile proton wire is allowed by the physics, in its basic form. A proton wire would have the N S alternation of the protons. It would have the weight density of Uranium because the the radius of the nucleus of an atom occupies just 1/100 that of the atom, so if you have 100 radiuses of a hydrogen nucleus it would be a proton wire of that much weight per unit volume. The proton wire would be a wire and to cancel out the electric charge of the protons it would use a tube of outer electrons held in orbit by the usual way the centrifugal force and quantization of the orbits of atoms of the common etymology are, so it would be a sort of streched out uranium nucleus/atom tube, and electric shielding would no problem. The other proton wire or proton wire problem, shielding from the incoming heavy particles may be how a proton wire would be stable for the same reason for awhile the same way atoms of hydrogen are stable, since I'd only been laboring on this for a year I hadn't actually realized that an incoming neutron or other heavy particle would just combine with the protons of the wire and spin around if it was at low speed. It wouldn't fuse anymore than the atoms of hydrogen around us when hit by incoming particles. I think it would merely bind with the wire, making it wobble around the center of mass of the wire, and the incoming heavy particles wouldn't cut the wire (because the binding N and S magnetic field lines of the protons are more compressed by the strong force and this makes it strong). A denser sort of matter than protons are the subcomponents of hadrons some name "Rishons" or quarks, (I'll use Rishons here) from the hebrew word for one, these were believed to be the building blocks of the one and the all. Protons are about 10x10 to the -13cm and the Rishons are 10 to the -15, a hundreth the width of the proton. Rishons are believed to be flowing in a sort of fluid in the interiors of the hottest stars, in most matter at low energies they are bound and only with the region of higher power extended to the realm of the Mamma's and Pappa's greatest hits, are they believed to move in the unbound state. This makes sense because with the high speed atom smashers at high energys the rishons are more loosely bound and they have to be divisable some way or they would always be bound and no more rishons could be created out of other particles.
What Lerner is trying to achieve is slamming in atomic elements from the outside, fusion, and then power. If we took heavy nuclei like U238 with the electrons around the outside, the strong force implodes the power at one wavelength and it radiates out at another like your hand on an exercise jug, or the inward gravity of the earth or solar pressure generating heat. If your hand and the water were both at the same wavelength they would balance and you couldn't remove the contents by compression. . But the problem is all the heavy particles fission radiates, unlike fusion which is clean. I think fission and fusion are much alike, both have inward implosion that then reradiates power outward. The distinction is not about what's imploded but the reradiance that follows, so if the implosion were the same for both, the reradiance would be much the same. I think this may be achieved by the use of pressure to the heavy U238 from the outside by a sort of anvil that would compress a piston and cylinder. The inside of both the piston and cylinder would be in the round shape of the U238 nuclei at the maximum compression of the cylinder. This would use the attraction of the strong force to increase the power released, and make it burn much cleaner like solar fusion because the inward implosion would compress the heavy particles before they expand out, a sort of atomic supercharger like on some vehicles that heats the air and compresses it more to improve the power and burn. Cylinder and piston both might be actually made of proton solids (the proton solid would be perhaps just the piston coat for super strength). The power would be collected by way of electric current in the protons of the machine.
Lining up the particles by the electric fields would boost compression because the NS attraction would boost implosion.
All this would be well and good, efficient power with reduced radioactivity. But this could be achieved more easily with a proton wire and a beam through the outer flow of the wire on one side and and an (electric) wire all the way around the protons to complete the circuit. More about The Atomic Motor. This would tap off useful atomic power with a motor just two wires, that would be easier to manufacture than the cylinder motif above so cheaper. I think of a type of matter may be what I will name the Rishon Solid and it would be made using the piston and cylinder. The heavy nucleus would be put in the cylinder and piston both with round faces of the protons to fit the U well. The cylinder with the aid of the strong force and anvils with a strong lever arm perhaps made of proton wires or fullerines, much stronger at close distances. A short lever arm with small areas of compression might much increase pressure plus unlike Focus Fusion, cooling would reduce field lines kinks increasing reliability. Compressing the protons and neutrons well first to fission levels, then to fusion levels could be achieved, and finally to the level where like in the most massive stars physicists think the Rishons are fluid, unbound and flowing. By converting the cylinder to a narrower and narrower tube. The cylinder would be a sort of large fluid nucleus. Unlike the usual U238 it was made of, the Rishons and antiRishons inside might be able to be lined up by the electric field of each Rishon, as it cools, to shape the way the Rishons would "cool" into tiny blocks or bricks. The electric field wouldn't have much influence on the Rishons at higher pressure because with random lines of field like with magnetism the hotter it is the more the magnetism is reduced with more random thermal motion, so there may be a lower heat and pressure zone where the electric field would control the Rishons well enough to make them into blocks for wires. You may say, electricity is too weak to much influence the strong force while it cools, but at distances of subatomic physics like the mesons or baryons like protons at 10 to the -13th -15th, the electric field may be strong enough to much influence the strong force by the strong compression of the field lines. Though by QCD and many experiments no unconfined rishons exist they might be stretched out in a wire and cooled with no general extra charge left over since each charge would be cancelled sidewise, and the end of the wire could combine just with a proton or neutron. another way to achieve Rishon solids without cylinders ect., might be to make proton wires and supercool them. (See below about using hydrogen atoms NS to combine into proton wires ect.) Even so cylinders in large numbers in arrays migth be useful for improved fission or fusion. It's been thought we would have to slam atoms together to fuse but this makes the assumption the NS are not aligned and that the protons and neutrons aren't cooled for stability and reliability. If the collision is just anywhere on the impacting particles the probabliity of fusion is lower. By using NS attraction the force wouldn't be of resistance, it would actually work for fusion not against it. A much shorter disatance of much stronger impact via reduced surface area of the cylinder may be more reliable for fusion. One problem with Lerner's idea is that budjet cuts for fusion amy not allow more progress with expensive machines like ITER. By using these tricks, cooling, momentum transfer, and NS attraction, this may be a much cheaper way to improve fusion. Here's my site, IFF Inertial Focus Fusion.
If this were so about what would be the rishon wires they might be of real worth with all the advantages of the proton solids except more dense. By control of how they cool they could be made in wires with each rishon offset so the overall electric charge and isospin was 0. Only the ends would have electric or strong force charge and this attraction would be used to add atoms to the ends of each rishon wire, by the atom's outer field they would the anchor with more matter made of atoms.These blocks of the super dense rishon wire would be strong like the hadron solid, but they wouldn't be volatile, it would be a totally new state of matter. This is what I hint at above about the density of mass and computers. More computer speed and strength of materials? More dense materials.(The rishon wires or any denser wire could be made into a chip the same way the invention of the Molecular Crosswire chips do, using wires in a lattice out of any wires to make a super dense chip.)
About the density of materials, I think because of the finitude of complexity around us, there won't be infinite wheels within wheels downward to the infinite, so if, or when rishon solids are ever rolled off the assembly line perhaps 30 years from now, the finite complexity may be a limit to density, so no faster chips or more blessed eden of the science of materials may be found beyond that. The advantages of the rishon solid would be even better than the proton solids and there's no telling what else the rishon solids may be used for, e.g. it could be of real worth in medicine, and future materials science. It would be of value build a machine of this type, no telling what it may turn out to be.
By first building the machine (one time per machine only) that has all small funnels each with a small opening just one proton or neutron wide, By the funneling the proton or proton neutron wires (with the protons from a machine like Farnsworth's Fusor that first emits lots of protons that radiate to neutrons) would be extruded one proton at a time, by adhering the end of the wire and then pulling away from the funnel, then adhesion of the funnel end of the proton to the rest of the box or other hadron solid structure, and so with related operations. The funnels would repeat the same process for the whole sheet or other hadron solid structure many times at once. This would be a cheaper and fast way to make the solids (Ovelapping atoms with positive valence would be used to make the inside surface of the funnels so the protons wouln't combine before they were formed into the wires.) .
Another way proton wires might be achieved could be to take hydrogen atoms, move them all into a tube (as with the above). Each atom is N-S N-S in the tube so the opposite poles are aligned to attract. The hydrogen atoms would be set spinning so the electrons on the outside would be more outward and the atoms would be more flattened out to be more like a sphere and the N-S poles more unshielded, so they would ettract more than usual. In step three, the pressure on the more flattened atoms would be from both ends of the tube, adding more force so the protons are more linked because they've gone from the "outside" (inside seperate atoms) to the "inside" of one atom. Once linked by the strong magnetic field, the electrons would stay around the outside to make the tube that would have 0 electric charge so the baneful excess electric charge of the protons would be solved.
A third possible way on the road to proton wires might be via conversion of the atoms of waste or other stuff to protons. This would be achieved in one scenario via subatomic physics where the strong force can be made nonbinding by reverse beta decay. Beta decay is the main radioactive process (of expansion outward of the particles) in physics. To reverse beta decay an electron is added to a proton of the atom converting it to a neutron, by the strong force this won't attract the other atomic neutron, so both atomic neutrons exit the atom and they in turn radiate out to protons and electrons in 12 minutes by the usual physics. Reverse beta decay would be how to cut the lines of the strong force not by the strong force itself, but rather by use of how the strong force is well connected with the electromagnetic force (like quantum numbers and so on) so by changing the electric field a bit the strong force bonds would be released without huge force to reduce radioactivity and the other advantages achieved by this ruse. More About Beta Decay and Reducing Radioactivity... (Reverse beta decay may have great worth in reducing radioactive waste and decontamination, and materials science, and if we run out of materials on the earth we could take Hydrogen from worlds like Jupiter and make mass in any amount by combination of the elements of the hydrogen up to heavier atoms.)
Considering the exercise machine is my elevator when I jog up 27 rooms, I think a bit of speculation about some of the unknowns that may be tried to achieve the proton solid or rishon solid may be of worth. If this is not the hadron solid yet, it's a worthwhile goal. It may more important than just visits to the moon in the 60's the US built up to, and this may be a common goal of engineering of much more import to the world of the 21th century and beyond.
Since proton solids are fibers that spin on the outside and are also of worth, they may be of more worth when combined with the atomic motor to tap the spin by the way of an outer beam that would go deep enough inside the proton field to recieve the power, and then out to a collector of the atomic power. These combined would make a strong power source made of strong materials for fast yet super lightweight machines.
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